Protaccine Biotec Sarl is an innovative Swiss Healthcare Company passionate about saving lives by developing & producing quality Anti-snake venom, other antisera-based products and thermostable vaccines & biologicals based on novel technologies at affordable prices.
Protaccine is also a leading provider consultancy services and turnkey solutions to the vaccine and biological industries all over the world.
Protaccine also extends its services to patient and medical care by supporting and coordinating for various treatments including cancers treatment by immunotherapy & gene therapy. We also coordinate medical tourism, elderly care and build & operate senior homes.
The company was incorporated as a Swiss limited liability Company in 2017 in the Canton of Jura.

The inception of Protaccine Biotec has a long history. With his vast industry experience for manufacturing of vaccines & biologicals and regulatory expertise in WHO, Dr Anil Kumar Chawla, the Founder, Chairman & Managing Director of Protaccine had started his first business venture “Chimera Gentec Pvt Ltd” in India in 2008, which is major turnkey consultancy service provider for vaccines and biologicals industries all over the world which supports it’s Clients to achieve WHO prequalification and/or NRA licensing by establishing new facilities and/or upgrading existing facilities and systems as per current GMP standards. Chimera has an R&D centre where the scientists work on new technologies.
Chimera also has a subsidiary Bellerophon Biotec Pvt Ltd, which deals in trading of industrial and consumer products like disposable breath analysers, production & laboratory equipments, diagnostic kits, reagents & surgical, modular clean room and vaccines & bioproducts.
Protaccine came into being as a result of Dr Chawla’s dream of diversification into manufacturing with Swiss quality.

It is with great passion and enthusiasm, coupled with a commitment to save lives by making innovative high-quality anti-sera based products, vaccines and biologicals affordable and accessible to the people globally, that we founded Protaccine Biotec Sarl. We accomplish this by utilizing manufacturing innovations in the hands of our highly experienced team of vaccine & biological industry experts. By training and working along with regionally-located staff, our team leaders not only direct the efforts of their departments, but share their knowledge and experience to develop the next generation of biopharmaceutical process development and manufacturing leaders and experts. To achieve success we are determined to capitalize upon the new opportunities based on our strong fundamentals of science, innovation and entrepreneurship. Whilst we continue to enhance the momentum of our business, we are also accelerating our drug discovery program through collaborations and alliances. We are confident that our efforts would see the Company grow from strength to strength in the years to come. The “For the people, By the People” dictum is followed by the management in the company, thus making it surge forward with the force of the common goal to accomplish our Mission. We aim to serve mankind globally through our affordable and international standard quality products, encompassing the environmental synergy in the process.
To improve health and survival of all by innovative, high quality and affordable antisera-based products, vaccines and biologicals.
By 2030, become one of the top leading companies in the world in novel biologicals and vaccines. Providing quality lifesaving medicines at affordable prices.